Simon Library

for kids, their friends,
parents and grandparents


Welcome to first Simon Virtual Bookshelf

Эта небольшая виртуальная библиотека создана для моего первого внука,
всех его друзей, их родителей и бабушек с дедушками.

What is the best app to read eBooks?

Most of the books in library in EPUB (electronic publication) format. This is the most popular file format for digital books. You can download EPUB files and read them on your smartphone, tablet, e-reader, or computer.

Below I am listing few free eBook apps which you can use to make the most out of your love for reading.
For Android: Google Play Books / Oodles Reader / Goodreads / more
For iOS: Google Play Books / Oodles Reader / Goodreads / more



My First Books

Great stories

Бабушкина Любимая Сказка


Illustrated by Hilary Knight

One of my favorite books as a child. I loved all the little details in these illustrations, which made the book fun to look at again and again. Hilary Knight remains one of my all-time favorite illustrators. Read the book...